About Us

Recycling plant and manufacturing environmentally friendly and human-safe products for use in projects Construction & Products New environmentally friendly used by humans in their daily lives instead of traditional products old.

Our Vision

Recycling plant and manufacturing environmentally friendly and human-safe products for use in projects Construction & Products New environmentally friendly used by humans in their daily lives instead of traditional products old.

Our Mission

At Eram Factory, our mission lies in effectively contributing to making the environment safer. and reconstruction, through the optimal investment of natural resources and harmful environmental waste and the achievement of Make the most of them by recycling them with modern technologies and new and innovative ideas to produce materials New safe, environmentally and human-friendly

Our Goals

At Eram Factory, our mission lies in effectively contributing to making the environment safer. and reconstruction, through the optimal investment of natural resources and harmful environmental waste and the achievement of Make the most of them by recycling them with modern technologies and new and innovative ideas to produce materials New safe, environmentally and human-friendly.


Our goal is to optimize the use of harmful environmental waste, especially solid ones such as those that are difficult Analyzed as easily as damaged tires by rotating them to produce new products It returns us an investment profit and also a benefit to the environment and to the human being in his daily life, and to create opportunities New work contributes to the partial reduction of unemployment.


Creating new ideas for healthy, safe, appropriate and modern products that replace For old traditional products.


Strengthening the national economy in terms of increasing the proportion of exports.

Why Mukalla

The strategic location of the city of Mukalla and the importance of the port of Mukalla in trade Being a safe and attractive environment for investment, all of this helped in choosing the city of Mukalla as the headquarters of the administration Public and Industrial Zone